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Quick extra income streams for escorts

Girls often go into escorting because it is very much a “cash right now” kind of business. There is a delightful immediacy in being paid, usually in actual cash, before every encounter. At the same time, it is in the nature of a cash-now business that you do not make any money unless you are working.
by Hannah Jay
For a whole variety of reasons, many escorts like to take time off work. Whether it is simply one day a week, or a couple of months at a time, taking time off is a great way for an escort to keep a sense of balance and perspective in her life; but it is also a great way to become very broke, very fast. Of course you can save your fees and budget so that your time off is financed, but that still leaves you with a hole where those savings used to be.
Looking a bit further ahead, there will come a time where an escort will want to leave the business entirely. However that is managed – cold turkey or simply dialing it back until you no longer are seeing clients – the end of an escort’s career usually means the end of her delicious escorting income. This can come as a bit of a blow.
No matter whether an escort wants to take the day off, or is thinking about retiring, there is no time like the present to begin building a set of income streams which pay even when she is not working.
What is an income stream?
Well your accountant will tell you that an income stream is any income at all. Your encounter fees, a salary from full-time employment, profits from a side business, rent you charge for use of your in-call location; but the gold standard of income streams is money you get from things which you actually own. Another term for this is residual income and it can come from virtually anything.
The internet has vastly expanded the opportunities for residual income streams. Everything from affiliate programs to online publishing to membership sites and video clips, can be set up as a residual income stream. The trick is to pay attention to what you are already doing from the perspective of long-term sales.
The other trick is to use your downtime to build your residual income streams. Escorts, even busy escorts, have time every day where they are not working and not preparing to work. Once a girl has put up her ads for the week and updated her blog, and is waiting for her appointments, she has time to work on building her long term income.
An escort who wants to build income streams needs to have a plan. The beginning of that plan is research. What streams are available and what do you need to do to generate income from them? Plus, what are you already doing which can make money in the long run?
Think about the assets you already have. Virtually every escort will have some photographs of herself. They’ll go up with her ads and be featured on her website. Whether she has a dozen or several hundred, these are assets which can be put to work.
Many girls have websites and some of those websites have quite good traffic. “Good traffic” is, of course, a relative term, but any more than a few hundred unique visitors per month can be significant. The same is true of a blog.
Escorts may also have Twitter feeds and Facebook pages with many followers and friends and shares.
Online presence is also an asset which can be put to work.
Some escorts have promotional videos of themselves and some have videos which would be suitable to sell as “clips” which will be discussed below.
Starting with this inventory of assets, a girl then has to consider what skills she has or can easily obtain. Skills include things like writing, being able to update a blog or website, being able to grow a Facebook or Twitter account, the capacity to take great pictures or videos and a good imagination. If you can’t take pictures do you know someone who can? What would it take for you to brush up on your web skills?
Once you have your asset inventory and a realistic idea of your skills, it is time to make a list of residual income-producing activities. And, before you do, make sure you have the following – at least.
Start with simple, one-time, things. Do you have an Amazon account? If not, you need to get one. On your website, blog and Facebook pages, put up a link to your personal wish-lists. No, you will not make any actual money but it is surprising how many men will enjoy sending you items from your wish list. Particularly if you remind them.
Next, if you don’t have one already, get a PayPal account. If you decide to sell things, having PayPal as a payment option makes everything a lot easier.
Next, take a look at a non-PayPal payments solution such as CCBill for “adult” items which PayPal will not accept.
Here are a few items which can produce regular, residual income and are quick and inexpensive to set up:

  • Kindle e-books
  • Clips-4-Sale and similar sites
  • Affiliate Programs
  • Site subscriptions

There are dozens of other ways to make residual income on the internet, but these have the great advantage of being no- or low- cost to get into and have the potential for good-to-excellent long-term money.
A final piece of planning advice: set goals for both revenue and the amount of time you are going to spend on any given revenue source. When considering your time, you will need to consider the time involved in creating the product and the time needed to promote it.
Plan to action – the ebook example
Take a look at all those photographs you’ve had taken. Even if it is only a dozen selfies, you have enough for a Kindle ebook. Something most people don’t know about Kindles is that they display photographs very well, especially the newer, colour, models.
Building an ebook is not all that difficult if all you are doing is putting pictures in. A few years ago, to build a photo ebook took a lot of expensive software, but now you can get Adobe LightRoom (plus Photoshop) for USD $9.99 a month. LightRoom is essential because it allows you to organize, edit and enhance your pictures and then, as part of the program, turn them into a book. You can then upload the Lightroom – created book directly to Amazon.
Understanding how to use the Kindle Direct Program Amazon runs for self- published authors is pretty simple. Once you have a book, you upload it and set a price. On a price greater than $2.99 you keep 70% of the money each sale generates less the cost of transmission (which can be quite high if your book is a large file). The easy way to think of this is that you make roughly $2.00 for every $2.99 book sold. Plus, you can sign your book up to be “borrowed” by Amazon Prime users and make around $1.50 per borrow.
The basic Kindle rules are that explicit material is prohibited. Your book is reviewed and then published, and you start earning from that second forward.
Kindle picture books do sell and can sell in fairly large numbers. A single title can easily sell 50 copies a month with minimal promotion. Now, as a girl used to earning hundreds of dollars an hour, that does not sound like much; but there are two things to consider. First, this income stream is pretty much forever. Second, nothing prevents you from publishing several titles a month. There is typically a drop in sales after the first couple of months, but many books keep selling for years. Add a little promotion – and offer the books on your website – and a $400 to $2,000 a month residual income stream is born.
Along the way, you will also be acquiring a saleable skill, namely, building ebooks. Less skilled authors pay hundreds of dollars to have their ebook set up. Looking ahead, having that single skill will be valuable when you leave escorting.
The wild world of video
Where Kindle picture books are fairly tame (and Apple ebooks even more so), the world of video clips is still the Wild West. There are any number of clip stores out on the web with most offering a 60/40 split on revenues. This is pretty reasonable given that they supply the bandwidth and the payment processing. However, you supply the videos and, if you want to sell any, the promotion.
The range of video topics is vast. Dominas seem to do well, but a simple bit of teasing can sell if it is properly promoted. Setting up an account at one of the major players is simple.
Shooting videos is fairly straightforward – just remember to have plenty of light, an uncluttered background and a tripod or other solid mount for the camera.
In general, the videos are priced at about $1.00 per video minute and it makes a good deal of sense to break longer videos into 5-10 minute sections. With the 60/40 split, you make about $6.00 for a ten-minute video. However, once you have shot and uploaded your video, your work is just beginning. There are thousands of pretty girls doing doubtful things while wearing very few clothes: at Clips4Sale they claim to have 4 million clips. So if you want someone to watch yours, you need to promote it.
Here, of course, is where your work promoting your website, gathering followers on Twitter and Friends on Facebook, pays off. You don’t need tens of thousands of connections, but if you have a loyal following of several hundred, you can easily count on 50-100 of them buying your clips as you release them. Then, across time, the clips will sell a few every month. Not a huge income from a single clip, but if you put up a couple of 10-minute clips a week, you can build a stable of clips each of which might sell 5 a month. If you are diligent, this quickly adds up to a tidy sum.
While it is great to have your Kindle Books and your clips selling, there is no reason not to create a Members Only section of your escort website. Here you can offer complete photosets – with the naughty pics that Amazon won’t let you sell. Plus, you can put up your videos – complete and uncut.
On the escort side, you can offer a free membership to your site to your regulars. But on the residual income end, you can easily make it very attractive for people to join your site. Designing payment schemes for subscription sites is a dark art. Offering long-term memberships for very little money compared to a monthly subscription can be rewarding. But it can also make a lot of sense to have a reasonable fee, say $9.99 a month on a recurring basis.
No matter what your fee structure, the fact is that a well-promoted subscription site can produce thousands of dollars a month in revenues selling your photos and videos whilst promoting your escort business.
Affiliate marketing
A website or blog – with even minimal traffic – can make money, often regular and quite good money, by using online affiliate programs. Basically, an affiliate program pays a small commission on each sale which comes as the result of someone buying something through a link on your website. It’s not a lot – usually 3-8% – but it can add up in interesting ways.
The biggest affiliate program in the world is Amazon’s. Commissions begin at 6% for most products, and, as you sell more, your commission rises. But here is the critical thing about the Amazon – if someone goes to Amazon via your affiliate link, anything they buy earns you a commission. For example, if someone goes to look at one of your Kindle books and decides to buy a laptop, you get the commission on the laptop.
For an escort who has a loyal web following – subscribers, book purchasers, clip buyers – affiliate income can be substantial. Especially if she “works the room” for holidays and special events. Simply suggesting that the men who follow her do their Christmas shopping through her link, can produce significant commissions.
Once Amazon is set up, there are hundreds of other affiliate programs to look at. Sex toy vendors, high-end fashion and lingerie, and, many clips for sale sites, all have affiliate programs. Adding a few which will appeal to your niche takes a little time, but can be very worthwhile.
Learning web promotion
Every one of the residual income streams is internet based as, I suspect, is a great deal of your present escorting business. Learning how to market on the internet, how to promote your site, your blog, your Kindle books, your clips and your affiliate links is worth an article in itself. The key thing to know is that promotion and marketing need to become part of your everyday routine.
There is no right way to promote yourself or your residual income opportunities online. Rather, there is a real need for ongoing, focused activity. As an escort you want to build your escort “brand”, but your target tends to be very local. An escort is not trying to be the most popular escort in the world because even at an elite level, most of her business will be local. However, if you are publishing a Kindle book or putting up clips, you need to promote to the world at large because that is who will be buying your products and clicking your affiliate links.
The basics – a Twitter feed and a Facebook account – will start you off. But remember, Facebook particularly, does not like escorts or anything deemed “pornographic”. So it makes sense to begin your Facebook career with something very tame like “author” or “entertainer” or even “companion”.
The key piece when you are looking at web promotion is to be very clear where you want your promotion to lead: is it to your website? your blog? your Amazon author page? If you are looking at the long run (and you should be), consider the fact that when you leave the escorting business, your escorting website may either come off the web or need to be repurposed for your residual revenue streams.
Web promotion and marketing is somewhat cumulative. You start with nothing but, with steady work, you can build up a huge web audience. Strategically, you want that web audience to be less interested in your escorting activities than it is in the products you’ll be selling long after you wind down your escort business.
And remember, like knowing how to build an ebook, knowing how to do web promotion is a very “in demand” skill. Mastering social media, YouTube, blogging and the rest of the promotional tools, can get you interesting and lucrative work.
Bottom line
Making money while you sleep or go on vacation is a lovely thing to be doing. Using the down time in your escorting business to build ebooks, shoot naughty videos and promote your web presence is a great way to create income which does not directly depend on your escorting activities.
None of these new sources of income are going to compare with what you can make escorting, however, if you build out your web presence – which you should do for your escorting business anyway – bringing ebooks, clips, subscriptions and affiliate programs into the mix will bring you a regular income.
Most importantly, you’ll be able to make money from photo shoots and videos years after you actually have done the work. A single ebook with one outfit from a photoshoot can easily make $20 to $50 a month for three or four years. (I have one little book on Kindle which makes a steady $30 a month and has been doing so since very early 2012. Doesn’t sound like much but it is closing in on $1,000 and it took twenty minutes to shoot and twenty minutes to build and upload.)
Along with the welcome residual income, as you build and promote your website, ebooks and clips, you’ll actually be acquiring skills which are very saleable outside the escort world.
An escort who starts building her residual income streams early in her escorting career is making an investment in her future.

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